Jami and Tommy Nettles Columbus MS
Pictoria Vark and Maneka
Your ticket saves your place and is a donation to the artist but the donation is not required. If you cannot afford to donate, please message us at info@sunstrokehouse.com.
April 26, 2023
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
Rolling Stone calls her 2022 album "one of the year's finest indie records". You met her here playing with Squirrel flower, and the singer/bassist will be back for a show with Maneka - you might know him as the former Speedy Ortiz guitarist.
From Rolling Stone review by Rob Sheffield:
WHO IS PICTORIA Vark? She’s the spoonerism who serves as a rock handle for rising songwriter Victoria Park. The 23-year-old Iowa City singer/bassist just made one of last year’s finest indie records with her breakthrough, The Parts I Dread. It’s a road trip of an album—it’s full of the places she’s lived and left behind, from suburban New Jersey to rural Wyoming, from Brooklyn streets to Iowa prairies. But her songs all share that nomadic sense of wandering. As Park says with a laugh, “I love being the Carmen Sandiego of indie-rock.”
Park has been making her bedroom pop for a few years, when not on the road playing bass for Squirrel Flower and Pinkshift. But she really began turning heads in late 2021 with her single “I Can’t Bike,” a relatable anthem for pedestrians that flips into a Dinosaur Jr.-style guitar-solo freakout. The Parts I Dread has a delicate, poetic, soft-spoken charm in ballads like “Friend Song” or “Wyoming,” where she asks, “Can’t I blame you for everything? / Market crashes, mood swings?” But she really nails that vibe of a restless 20-something heart, trying to figure out where she belongs.