Jami and Tommy Nettles Columbus MS
Say Hi, Thursday September 27, 2018
Dinner and drinks
Shrimp Scampi Pasta
Green Salad
Chocolate chip pound cake with chocolate ganache
Say Hi is Eric Elbogen. He started out as Say Hi to Your Mom, changed the band's name as he matured musically, and last year announced the band's retirement only to have his intense following convince him to come back - and back he will be with an album released only a couple of weeks before the show. Preview singles sound great, and the show promises great energy.
Say Hi is fine pop with a sensibility that appeals to everyone interested in modern music. Pitchfork says about his voice "he knows how to work its sweetest spot, a low, breathy baritone that ... begins to sound almost like Arcade Fire's Win Butler."
Allmusic says "He continues to be the master of his own musical fiefdom on Um, Uh Oh, handling all the vocal and instrumental heavy lifting himself once more. But for a guy who started out recording songs about spaceships and video games on a homemade computer while trying not to wake the neighbors, Elbogen sounds rather expansive this time out, both lyrically and musically."